Sunday, February 6, 2011

Savory Indian Pancakes

Inspired by Andrea's Japanese savory vegetable pancakes, here's my Indianized version using leftover vegetables like corn, cabbage, and french beans. Sort of like an eggless omlette or frittata using maida (all purpose flour) as the base, peppered with tumeric and chilli powder.
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)

Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake

  • 2 tablespoons all purpose flour/maida
  • 1 cup assorted vegetables (I used corn, cabbage and french beans)
  • 2 basil leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon tumeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon chilli powder
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
To make:
Chop your vegetables faily even.
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)
Add the tumeric and chilli powder to your flour.
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)
Add 2-3 tablespoons of water to the batter. Stir well to get rid of any lumps.
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)
Add the vegetables to the batter.
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)
In a pan, heat the oil. Pour the batter and fry on each side for 5 minutes or until brown.
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)
Serve with mint chutney or ketchup.
Savory Indian Pancakes -Cabbage, Corn, French Bean Pancake (Eggless)


Jill Colonna is Mad About Macarons said...

Wow! This looks amazing: I love how you've adapted this pancake Indian style. I must try this one out! Thanks for the inspiration.

Pia said...

really healthy pan cake. Nice adaption

Cook Healthy

Kate @ said...

These pancakes sound delicious! It is sort of like an omelette without the eggs... great adaptation!

Kelly said...

I love the Indian flavors in this pancake, well, I love Indian flavors in a lot of things. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

Anonymous said...

Terrific pancakes, I like the combination of the veggies you've chosen here, super delicious!

Mateja ^_^ said...

No egg pancakes, love your adaptation mode! Nest time I have no eggs in the fridge, I know what I'll do! And I oove the turmeric, it adds color and flavor to the food! Thank you for sharing :) said...

These look delicious. I will give this a whirl.

Anonymous said...

This looks fantastic and flavorful I bet....thanks for sharing:)

Victoria said...

Veggie pancakes sound delicious, especially with the spices!!

Tiffany said...

Indianized version! I love it! Looks tasty!!!

Dreams of cakes said...

Clever, easy and delicious recipe. Thank you for sharing!!

Torviewtoronto said...

delicious healthy pancakes looks wonderful

Chef Fresco said...

Hey thanks for visiting our blog! These look amazingly delicious - great combo of ingredients!

Mireya Merritt said...

I'm going to try this. Its such good way to get your veggies!

Cakewalker said...

These look fabulous! I'm glad I stopped by for I'll be giving this recipe a try for sure. Thanks!

Medeja- CranberryJam said...

Lovely pancakes. Im still planning to try making some veggie pancakes :) and have it with some yogurt..

Patricia said...

That looks delicious! I don't understand how you got the ingredients to bind?

Raw_Girl said...

Cupcake - you add a little water to form a somewhat runny batter.

briarrose said...

Yummy....what a wonderful savory pancake.

Elizabeth said...

Your food looks beautiful and I bet it is fantastic!
So glad you stopped by my blog. Look forward to exploring yours and reading through all of your posts!!
Peace & Rae Health,

Raw_Girl said...

Thanks Elizabeth. Glad you like it. Love your blog and glad to stumble upon it earlier today!

Ami's Vegetarian said...

wow this looks healthy, and yummy i'm gonna try this with Atta flour. Can substitute maida to Atta flour right?

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