Saturday, January 15, 2011

And Thou Shall Have Cake

I turned thirty a couple of days back. To be honest, I was dreading the day I couldn't call myself twenty-something. Thirties is another word for "responsibility" and I'm not sure I want to say goodbye to my days of wild abandon, reckless drinking, bad boys and such.

The girls at work very generously arranged for a made-to-order vegan cake from a bakery. No-egg cakes are quite common here, but i've never seen a completely vegan cake. I thought I had to forego my days of eating cake forever -what, I am not baking my own custom cakes!! This one's made of soy milk, but you'd be hard pressed to tell a vegan and non-vegan cake apart.

And, speaking of cake - I recently won the fabulous "A World of Cake" from a giveaway at Sprinkles of Parsley. I guess beginner's luck counts - I entered several other giveaways after this one, and haven't won a thing!

Its 350 thick and glossy pages of mouther watering cakes from all over the world. Completely non-vegan of course, but hey, you can always admire food porn and gain not an inch on your thighs, right?


Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Gosh what a gorgeous cookbook! Congratulations on your win...and belated birthday wishes!!!!

Christina said...

What a fabulous cookbook! Happy belated birthday! Enjoy your 30's! There is something to be said for being wiser in your wildly abandoned choices ;)

Kate @ said...

Oh my I'd love that cookbook! Fab cakes!

Happy 30th!

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