
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Potato Rosemary Pizza

Potato on pizza sounds like a complete abomination, but if it's good enough for David Rocco, then it's good enough for me. I find the crust of store-bought pizza breads too thick, so for this one, I just cut it horizontally in half to make two thin pizza bases.
Potato Rosemary Pizza
  • 1 pizza crust
  • 1 potato
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato puree/pizza sauce
  • Handful of rosemary
  • Teaspoon of garlic powder
To make:
  • Spread the tomato puree on top of the pizza crust.
  • Thinly slice the potato into horizontal discs.
  • Arrange in overlapping circles on the pizza crust.
  • Sprinkle some garlic powder and fresh rosemary leaves.
  • Bake in a pre-heated oven for 20 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked.



  1. I love potato pizza'a!! I have never used rosemary though, what a great flavor to add!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Well this is something we should try... I can't imagine the taste of a potato on top of a bread crust, but you never know. And that pizza looks very inviting! I love the inclusion of rosemary - great flavor!

  3. Fantastic, looks absolutely delicious!

  4. You had me at potato. I loooove potatoes. I put potatoes on my pizzas all the time. Usually left over hash browns. Great idea to make it a full on potato pizza though. I'll have to try that!

  5. This is beautiful pizza, with stunning photos! Yum!!!

  6. Totally yum!!!! Thanks following me!

  7. That is an absolutely gorgeous pizza!

  8. Looks great! I think there's a step missing in the recipe though... nothing mentioned about the potatoes other than cooking until they are ready. Do you do anything to them? At what point do you put them on the pizza? Thanks.

  9. Thanks, everyone.

    @Anonymous: I just sliced the potatoes thinly, lay on the pizza bread and let it bake until the potatoes were cooked. So no step missing there. You could also pre boil the potato and that way the bake time isnt that much...

  10. Oh I see what's going on... there's not a step missing, but in step two you wrote "Thinly slice the tomato" when I believe you meant to write "Thinly slice the potato"...

  11. I think this sounds absolutely fantastic. I'd have never thought to put a potato on pizza dough, but I recently saw mac and cheese pizza so if works, why not this. The rosemary must smell heavenly when it's cooking.


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