
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Watermelon, Zuccini, Carrot Salad

I'm now officially one tooth (giant tooth, I might add, along with the not so pleasant business of abscess and such) lighter. As per doctor's instructions, I am not to eat anything "hot or hard". So, seemed like the perfect opportunity to whip up something raw, after days of not so raw eating habits.
Watermelon, Zuccini, Carrot Salad

  • 2 carrots
  • 1/4 of a zuccini
  • 1/4 of a red cabbage
  • 1/2 green pepper
  • 1 1/2 cup watermelon
  • Handful of sunflower seeds
To make:
  • Chop the carrots, zuccini, cabbage and pepper into long thin slivers.
  • Juice half a cup of the watermelon (just squeeze the juice out with your hands or use a blender). The other one cup of watermelon will be chopped up and added to the salad. Be sure to scrape the watermelon right off the rind and include some of the green portion as well- thats where all the good stuff is, nutritionally.
  • Combine all the ingredients except the watermelon juice and the sunflower seeds.
  • Add the watermelon juice over the salad - A lame dressing, I know, but to be honest, you dont even need it!
  • Finish off with the sunflower seeds on top.

  • Watermelon, Zuccini, Carrot Salad on Foodista


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